On saturday,every went to celebrate Wan Ting's birthday in advance,well,first,everyone gathering at the meeting place at 8.30,to surprise,then after that,they asked those who were eating to bring wanting out from her home,so that the others could go to decorate,so,they ate and after that,they went to cut hair,the other came down,two by two,or sometimes,by three,and after that,once everyone was done,they went back to show her the decorated house,after that,everyone decided to play block catching,which was fun,and after that,they played with the water guns and water bombs.Well,after the water bombs and stuff,they played a game which involved tying a piece of paper onto the forehead and pasting something there,never played before,and i sorta stayed out,don't really know why,but just felt i had to exclude myself,after that,everyone rested and played mahjong and some card games,which i won at least once,yay,lol.At around 6.30 or something,everyone went out to buy the ingredients for the steamboat,so i followed everyone to hougang point's NTUC,they bought lots of ingredients,and they went back after that.The ingredients were mostly prepared by the girls,and the boys were just sitting there playing cards,or watching tv(Okay,not all of them),and when the steam was done cooking,every one ate,but not altogether,unfortunately,because i had to go home,i didn't eat,so.....after that,it was home time and marked the end of the day!
Now,that was all that i could recall,for now,hmmm,i wonder.......i've been changing recently,i'm losing my emotions.......but in exchange,i'm becoming sharper in terms of thinking,is it just me?Or am i just tired,i hope that it's because im'just tired.....I don't feel anything now,no sadness,no happiness,is it stress?Not so sure,i don't know the cause of this....change?Perhaps the anger of the memories that i stored are finally coming out?Since i'm becoming a little....how do i put this,well,can't describe it,darn it,it's a little painful today,don't have much energy,and i can barely think....ah,well,can't help it,all i can hope for is that i'm thinking too much,and that i can at least think of more cheerful stuff.well,at least i can hope that tomorow will be a better tomorrow
AND LASTLY!!!Changed Blogsong,very calming lyrics and tune,well,hope others will enjoy it
The memories that binds a person to the past is hard to break out of,but the memories of the future,of the time where you can think happily,is the key to freeing yourself from what painful memories you might have had....but unfortunately,people are sometimes blinded by the desperation to break free that they forget that the solution is right in front of them...
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