Okay,next,when i went home,my dad told me the shocking news that we were going to novena square to celebrate,and i was like "what?why so far away....",but,since it's a birthday,i guess it's only appropriate,though frankly,i didn't like the idea alot,once again,my dad demonstrated the same uncanny ability as my brother to turn everything they do wrong to become right,he drove the wrong route,but,he insisted that he was corect and it was still possible to drive to novena,and guess what?he was "Right"!,he drove us to Novena Square 2,and no,there isn't a typo,there really was a novena square too,and it's kinda deserted,rather sad,i prefered the original Novena Square,since that place gave me bad vibes,anyways,we ate at a restaurant called the "Old Hong Kong Restaurant",rather ironic,eh?Old restaurant in a new building,lol,just kidding,i have to say,the food was delicious!Well,after that,i was really exahausted,and wanted to go home,but they wanted to shop for clothes,so i went like "huuuuuh,i very sian le,ke yi hui jia ma?",so they decided that it didn't really matter until after they bought their clothes.After that,in the car,my dad coughed rather badly,so my mum suggested he go see the doctor with the help of my and my brother cuz he just refuses to listen to anything,instead,he always goes to "Si Ma Lu",to some shop that he always buys those wierd pieces of talismans that they claim is "real",heck,real monks don't sell stuff,they will deem if you are worthy enough to recieve it,those a definitely fake,but......he's already mesmerized,and won't listen,so....i can't do much,anyways,that day has both bad and good times,i'm not saying the time with my parents was bad,but they demonstrated alot of their selfish attitues that i don't really like,tho it helps at times.The next day when cutting the cake,that was still the best,where it had the most "family" feeling,the day when he celebrated it unofficially,it didn't have any good vibes or feelings to it.
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